Joyful Gift Giving!


It seems like Christmas is always right around the corner for me. I mean, what's up with that! I spend all this money on Christmas presents then I hardly get any myself... Even though these thoughts run through my head every once and a while, I love the anticipation of people opening up the presents I have bought or made for them!.

So, why do we even give gifts? Just for our own pleasure, or because we HAVE to?

Every once and while we get a gift from someone that changes our mood about the holiday season, but unfortunately, we also get "things" that don't make us happy, just take up space, and something that we'll never EVER use. I personally have an example of this. A few years ago (well probably around 6) I got a sewing machine from my mom. I wasn't interested in a sewing machine! For heaven's sake, I asked for a puppy! How rude of her... (You know what I'm talking about?) Yeah, we've all been in that situation. Sometimes we let out those thoughts, just not to the giver's face, or we just keep it in and resentfully keep the gift. However, now that I'm older, I love that sewing machine! I bring it out every once in and while, sew some little bags for my family or friends, then please put it back into storage.

So, this Christmas season, what are some things that we can keep in mind while shopping for other people?

~Do they have a habit of collecting anything? Such as dolls, or books, perhaps puzzles?

~What are their passions, interests, or quirks? Is there some hobby of theirs that you know they enjoy doing? Perhaps, music, or drawing?

~Are they struggling with anything? Can you research and get them something like a book that might help them out?

~Give them something that they can take care of: Such as a little fish or a plant.

~Gift them something that can keep them busy in boring moments such as a coloring book or a puzzle.

Well, anyway! Happy Holidays to you! I hope you can find some JOY in giving to others and also receiving.

~Lily Joy

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